Blank Canvas
Urban • Biophilic • Designs
The Installations
A fusion of entertainment and environmental education showing audiences how to transform even the most degraded spaces and the vital role of trees in the urban setting.
…In partnership with WA’s leading productive tree experts and to meet the growing demand for functional and productive foodscapes in our community spaces this innovative Makeover will graphically illustrate all of the aspects involved in designing, setting up and managing productive landscapes in high profile urban spaces. This Makeover has been hugely popular with Councils and developers looking to stretch the value of their community spaces and meet the expectations of a community demanding more from their shared urban precincts.
Productive Food Forest

This family-friendly event has been developed to show people what is really involved in creating a truly great & sustainable waterwise garden. As a fusion of entertainment and environmental education, this fast-paced and engaging ‘performance’ sees our expert team narrate the installation of a sustainable garden showcasing the latest waterwise and wastewise features…. It happens literally from the ground up in just one hour!
WaterWise Verge Installation

With an increasing interest and demand for wild and ‘Nature Play’ themed landscapes this Makeover showcases both the latest innovations in this new style of landscape development as well as some of the peer reviewed science that underscores the vital role such green spaces can play in early childhood health and development. Featuring a suite of recycled structures and bespoke art pieces this Makeover is a must for anyone looking to stretch the role and value of their gardens and landscapes..
WaterWise Nature Play Zone

Getting the productive garden right isn’t always easy. There is a lot to consider in design, location and set up, then there is effective control of pests and disease, when to harvest, even how to turn productive surplus into valuable gut health supplements for the family. This practical workshop, featuring some of WAs most experienced organic food growers, will explore all aspects of setting up and managing such a system with the foundation principles of organics and holistic use and reuse of all materials in the system to create a truly sustainable landscape.
The Producive Patch

No matter where you live and how small your garden space The Forever Project has a passionately delivered solution to growing healthy and nutritious food even 15 storeys off the ground! This innovative new project has been trialled with some of WA’s leading inner city developers and has received rave reviews. This practical workshop will show participants just how easy it is to grow beautiful produce and the myriad ways such systems can be set up and managed even in confined spaces.
The Edible Balcony

We can include a 'blank canvas makeover' event with the installation of our eco-placemaking projects.
Optional extras could include a mobile coffee setup in the forest, LED displays showing temperature variation between the landscapes, educational signage about urban greening, and recipe sheets on how to integrate trees into your landscape!

Urban greening with community!
Eco-placemaking installations