Learn • Play • Experience
For the Future
This program has been designed for our children.

KIDS Workshops
The Wonderful World of Plants
Growing a great garden at home - our Great Gardens legends will show kids all the tricks to become an amazing WA gardener. Learn the value of trees and shrubs for wildlife and all the tricks to make a super tough and beautiful garden just in time for summer. Participants will get goodies for their garden and a seedling to take home and plant with mum and dad. *Suitable for all ages*
Grow your own great food at home - so many kids are getting into gardening through school and at home and this workshop will show kids how easy it is to do it well. It will be a practical workshop where kids will get to make their own small veggie grow bag which they will get to take home to impress mum and dad. Limit of 30 kids.
Amazing Animals
Bring your pets in for our 'Vet pet check' - our amazing Vet Dr Dave will provide a free pet check for a favourite pet, show how to best care for beloved animals and key ways kids can be a junior vet and keep their animals safe and happy. A must for all young animal lovers. Limit of 20 kids and their pets! One pet per child. *Suitable for all ages*
Up close and personal with our wonderful wildlife - with our wildlife ecologists, we will explore the world of nature that is right on our doorstep. Our experienced team will bring in wonderful wild animals for the kids to see, show how important they are and tips on how to encourage them to visit and live in their own garden.
How to be a Waterwise Warrior - with the mighty Captain Cleanup kids will be part of a fabulous interactive show covering all ways they can be a WaterWise warrior to protect and save our most precious asset. This is one of our most famous shows that has been performed to thousands of school kids across WA. Packed with stories, interactive games, songs and humour Captain Cleanup will have the kids hanging on for more. Kids will get a WaterWise badge and WaterWise prizes. *Suitable for all ages*
How to be an eco-warrior - With our wonderful band of faeries kids will be treated to an amazing and educational show taking them on an entertaining journey about re-cycling, waste and the beauty of our planet. This is a wonderful show that gets rave reviews and can be tailored and shaped to incorporate different eco-messages. *Suitable for all ages*
Shake it & Make it!
Make your own soap, string bags, sandwich wrap OR deodorant - this is a fun hands on workshop for kids from 10 years up. Using totally organic household products kids will learn the secrets and make their own soap, reusable sandwich wrap, string bags or deodorant. Each child will be shown why these products are important for their health and the environment, how easy they are to make and then they will make their own to go home with. One product will be made per event and so a rotation of products can occur throughout the school holidays. Limit 30 kids per workshop. *Suitable for kids 10+ years*
Make your own E-waste robot - with our super cool E-waste artists kids will learn the story of Ewaste and see how all these bits of ‘junk’ we often throw out can be used make the most amazing robots. Kids will be shown how to make their own small E-robot to take home. This could be expanded to a competition with Hawaiian where the robots are displayed in the main shopping centre arcade and prizes awarded for
Metal Mania! - Watch amazing local metal sculpting legend Martin Jane as he puts the finishing touches on his amazing art pieces in an incredible (and noisy) display of metal craft genius. A must for any kid who wants to see metal come alive as robots, crocodiles and road warriors. *Suitable for all ages* Martin will need a 3-phase power supply and insurance cover from Hawaiian to make this amazing event possible.
Good Wood Workshop - one of our most popular kids events, our skilled wood craftsmen will set up a mobile wood work shop where kids can get to hammer and create anything they like with recycled wood. A great way for kids to satisfy their urge to hammer and create things whilst learning about the joy of working with wood. *Suitable for all ages*
Junior Food Theatre - our wonderful Food Theatre chefs are ready to work with kids to show them the value of healthy and nutritious food and they will work with the kids to make their own simple and nutritious small meals. We will use produce that comes from the organic gardens of Perth City Farm and some of the best and most sustainable farmers in the state. Take home recipes will be provided with the small meals they make. Dishes can vary over each session and through the week. A whole program of recipes can be developed for the duration of the school holiday program. *Suitable for all ages*

Duration: generally 30-60mins - which works for most transient audiences, we can provide a rotation of themed events over the course of a day and arrange a weekly roster of events in consultation with Hawaiian.
Lead up: we will need at least 3 weeks to organise our team for the events.
Workshop structure: typically we have one ‘lead’ presenter and as needed, up to 3 as-sistants for hands on workshops such as making soap, shopping bags, E-waste robots, home grown veggies.
Insurances: we can provide relevant insurance details for all of our presenters
Costings: Price will vary on duration, ingredients, number of presenters, assistants needed and the number of events booked for the holiday program.
What we need from the client:
Organise marketing of events, provide a PA for presenters, trestle tables for presenters, insurance cover for Martin Jane to do his metal sculpture performance, organise any associated dis-plays and competitions within the shopping centre.
The Forever Project will provide:
Experienced presenters (all with appropriate insurances, police clearance and working with children certificates)
All materials, prizes and give aways for events
Associated marketing through our social media program
Pop Up Forest Installations:
We can design, install, manage and then remove as required a ‘Pop Up’ Forest in each of the proposed spaces. This becomes a fantastic way to create a dedicated space to host our kids workshops and a wonderful way to transform a bare or tired space within your venue. ‘Pop Up’ Forests are a unique and innovative installation, utilising recycled materials and a suite of beau-tiful trees and shrubs.