We would like to acknowledge Geocatch as the original creators of the 'Catio' workshops
Make your cat an eco-warrior
A catio is a secure outdoor cat enclosure, or ‘cat patio’ for your cat.
Contained cats can live up to four times longer than roaming cats, and can live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives if all of their needs are met in the contained environment.
Catio’s allow your cats to roam, while keeping them safe and protecting the native wildlife.
Catio designs can vary greatly, ranging from small window boxes or balconies with mesh enclosures to larger structures attached to a house or freestanding in a backyard. The primary purpose of a catio is to provide a secure and stimulating environment for cats, allowing them to indulge their natural instincts of exploring, climbing, and basking in the sun.

They protect your cats: from traffic, roaming cats, and other outdoor hazards
Keeps cats healthy: they have a safe space to indulge in their natural instincts such as climbing, sunbathing and exploring
Protect the native wildlife: it has been estimated that one roaming cat kills on average 110 native animals per year in Australia
Enriches cat and human companionship
And many more…
Workshop Opportunities
The Catio Workshop offers an immersive experience for participants. Featuring cat behaviorist Heather Crawford, who provides answers to all your cat-related questions, Matty Knoakes provides the building steps and materials involved and Chris Ferreira, who helps participants learn how to improve their cat's life while protecting wildlife. Learn how to build your own Catio using a variety of materials that best suit your home..
Learn how to build your own Catio using a variety of materials that best suit your home.

Catio’s have been used by cat owners around the world for many years; therefore, there is heaps of information out there (including our workshops) on how to make your own.
Most helpful resource: Building a Catio by GeoCatch
Other resources
GeoCatch Recommended suppliers and installers Catio Services
Responsible Pet Pawrents Program, South West NRM
safeandhappycats.com.au – RSPCA
Happy at Home – Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance
Keeping cats content in catios by Dr Heather Crawford, Murdoch University
DIY Cat run installation ideas from catnet.com.au
Most helpful resource: Building a Catio by GeoCatch